This dashboard displays the real-time event results for Goliathon XVIII on October 14, 2023. This results page is automatically refreshed every three (3) minutes. (jump to all)

These results will be available until the end of May 2024 and will then be available here, where all past event results are archived.

How does scoring work? Scores are calculated for all individuals and qualifying teams. All teams registered with a minimum of three females and three males will be automatically enrolled in our team competition. Once enrolled, your team will be scored based on your obstacle success rate. When you and your team members arrive at a tiered Goliathon obstacle, each of you must choose the tier that you believe will most help your team.

Successful completion of a G3 obstacle earns you (and your team) 5 points.
Successful completion of a G2 obstacle earns you (and your team) 3 points.
Successful completion of a G1 obstacle earns you (and your team) 1 point.

No points are given for an unsuccessful attempt, and only one attempt per individual, per obstacle, unless otherwise noted on the course.

We will total up the points earned by the top three females and top three males from each team. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams.



Most Recent Finishers

Team Scores

All Participants